Terms of Use

MoMo Property Group Pty Limited (MoMo) may make information and services available through the MoMo internet site at www.momoproperty.com.au (MoMo Internet Site).

Your access to and use of the MoMo Internet Site is subject to the terms set out here (Terms of Use). Please also review the Privacy Policy.

Unless expressly stated otherwise, the MoMo Internet Site is for residents of Australia only.

This site may be accessed throughout Australia and overseas. We make no representation that the content of this site complies with the laws (including intellectual property laws) of any country outside Australia. If you access this site from outside Australia, you do so on your own account and are responsible for ensuring compliance with all laws in the place where you are located.

Content on the MoMo internet site

Content Disclaimer

Content on the MoMo Internet Site is provided for general information purposes only and is subject to change. While MoMo makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information contained on the MoMo Internet Site is accurate, it gives no warranty, representation or undertaking, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or currency of the information on the MoMo Internet Site.

Persons interested in acquiring any of the properties advertised on the MoMo Internet Site should make their own standard property enquiries, as well as seeking professional legal and financial advice before engaging in any activities based on the content on the MoMo Internet Site or before entering into a contract in relation to any of the advertised properties. Any prices displayed on the MoMo Internet Site are current at the time of issue and are subject to change.

To the extent permitted by law, MoMo and its employees, officers, agents and contractors exclude all liability for any false, inaccurate or misleading information or for any interpretation that you may form as a result of using the MoMo Internet Site.

To the extent permitted by law, MoMo and its employees, officers, agents and contractors exclude all liability for any loss or damage (including without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or damage) arising from the use of the MoMo Internet Site, or reliance upon the content contained within the MoMo Internet Site, whether or not this is caused by a negligent act or omission.

To the extent that MoMo is prohibited at law from excluding its liability, MoMo and each party providing content on the MoMo Internet Site limits its liability to the extent permitted by law, to the resupply of the content provided on the MoMo Internet Site.


All material on the MoMo Internet Site is protected by copyright in Australia under the Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth of Australia) and through international treaties in other countries.

You are permitted to either electronically save or print out parts of the MoMo Internet Site for your own information, research or study, provided you do not modify the copy from the form in which it appears on the MoMo Internet Site. Any unauthorised copying, storage or other unauthorised use is prohibited.

You must not reproduce, transmit, broadcast, adapt, link to or otherwise use any of the content on the MoMo Internet Site, including audio and video extracts, except as expressly permitted by law or with the prior written consent of MoMo.


The MoMo Internet Site may contain registered trade marks and trade marks that are the subject of pending applications or that are protected by law and may include, but are not limited to, the words “MoMo”, and the MoMo logo.

Unless shown otherwise, the trade marks on the MoMo Internet Site are either owned or licensed by MoMo and are protected under the laws of Australia and other countries. You must not use these trade marks, except: (a) if you are saving or printing out a copy of the MoMo Internet Site as permitted under the copyright notice set out above; (b) as part of a genuine reference to MoMo or a MoMo project or service, with the proper recognition of the trade mark’s status; or (c) with MoMo’s prior written consent.

Third Party Content

Some of the information provided on the MoMo Internet Site may be the information or services of third parties. The third party information is not provided or endorsed by MoMo. Where it is apparent that information is not provided by MoMo, your legal relationship in respect of that information is with the third party supplier.

MoMo has not verified the accuracy of the information. You must make your own enquiries with the relevant third party supplier directly before relying on the third party information or entering into a transaction with the third party.

MoMo may or may not have commercial relationships with those third parties.

Third Party Sites

The MoMo Internet Site may contain links to third party sites. MoMo does not expressly or impliedly represent or endorse those third party sites or the quality or suitability of the content, products or services provided on those sites. If you access other content or services from third party sites, MoMo and its employees, officers, agents and contractors are not responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer as a result of accessing those sites.

Your obligations when using the MoMo internet site

When using the MoMo Internet Site you must not:

  • use the MoMo Internet Site for any activities, or post or transmit to or via the MoMo Internet Site any information or materials, which breach any laws or regulations, infringe a third party’s rights or privacy, or are contrary to any relevant standards or codes, which interferes with other users or defames, harasses, threatens, menaces or offends any person or which inhibits any other user from using or enjoying the MoMo Internet Site;
  • use the MoMo Internet Site to send unsolicited commercial or bulk electronic mail messages to anyone;
  • use another person’s personal information without their permission;
  • provide false information when registering your details on the MoMo Internet Site;
  • post to or transmit to or through the MoMo Internet Site any obscene, indecent, inflammatory or pornographic material or material that could give rise to civil or criminal proceedings; and
  • tamper with, hinder the operation of or make unauthorised modifications to the MoMo Internet Site.


Whilst MoMo will use reasonable endeavours to maintain the security of the MoMo Internet Site, MoMo cannot guarantee the security of the MoMo Internet Site or any information that passes through the MoMo Internet Site.

To the extent permitted by law, MoMo is not responsible for loss arising from the security of the MoMo Internet Site (including loss of information), faults in third party equipment, loss of data, profits or revenue and any other loss caused by you, for example, through your negligence or breach of contract.


MoMo takes its privacy obligations in relation to personal information very seriously. MoMo may collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the MoMo Privacy Policy available on the MoMo Internet Site. MoMo will only send marketing information to you where you have requested such information be sent to you.


MoMo does not warrant that your use of the MoMo Internet Site will be confidential. MoMo is not responsible for any loss or damage that you or any person claiming through you may suffer as a result of a breach of confidentiality in respect of your use of the MoMo Internet Site. Any information that you disclose on the MoMo Internet Site may be used by MoMo, its agents and contractors in relation to the provision of services or advertising of projects on the MoMo Internet Site, including the marketing of those services and projects.

When you send MoMo any feedback, suggestions, ideas or other materials in relation to or via the MoMo Internet Site, you agree that MoMo can use, reproduce, publish, modify, adapt and transmit them to others free of charge and without restriction, subject to MoMo’s obligations under the MoMo Privacy Policy.

Changes to Terms

MoMo reserves the right to change these MoMo Internet Site Terms of Use at any time by posting changes on the MoMo Internet Site. Your continued use of the MoMo Internet Site after any such change will be deemed acceptance of the changed MoMo Internet Site Terms of Use.

Governing Law

Use of the MoMo Internet Site is governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia. The MoMo Internet Site may be accessed throughout Australia and overseas. MoMo makes no representation that the content of the MoMo Internet Site complies with the laws of any country outside Australia. If you access the MoMo Internet Site from outside Australia, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for ensuring that you comply with all laws in the place where you are located.